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Top 5 reasons why people get laser eye surgery

Published on 28th February 2013

During the consultation we discuss with patients why they are thinking of having laser eye surgery. Over the past 12 years we have heard a lot of reasons (and some you would have never have thought of!) and thought we would share with you the 5 most common reasons why people opt for laser eye surgery.

1. The inconvenience of glasses & contact lenses
If people have worn glasses or contact lens for a number of years, they tend to get fed up having to wear them and opting for laser eye surgery means they would be able to give up wearing these.

2. The ongoing financial expense of glasses & contact lenses
Paying for laser eye surgery can be considered a high initial cost, but in the long run people save thousands of pounds not having to pay for contact lenses, solutions or new glasses.

3. Intolerance to contact lenses
Some people find that contact lens become uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time and they look for other options to give them the freedom of not wearing glasses.

4. Being able to enjoy sports like swimming
Some people are sport enthusiasts and want to be able to enjoy their hobbies and sports without the hassle of wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Certainly some people tend to go for surgery before an important holiday or an event such as a wedding, as it is a catalyst for making the decision.

5. Cosmetic
Some people prefer the look of themselves in the mirror, videos or in photographs, when they are not wearing glasses. Not having to wear glasses seems to give them more confidence.

Do any of these reasons ring true with you? If you are considering laser eye surgery get in touch.


All eye surgical procedures carry a level of risk including not obtaining the desired outcome, through to varying levels of visual loss. Your eye surgeon will discuss the risks and benefits, including ones specific to your circumstances, at the time of your pre-operative consultation.