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Visualase support Eye Health Week 2018

Published on 21st September 2018

Here at Visualase, we are supporting Eye Health Week from the 24th - 30th September to highlight the importance of eye health and the need for regular eye tests. 

Did you know that a staggering 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss that is severe enough to have an impact on their daily lives? And that half of this sight loss is avoidable?

Unless you’ve been affected by sight loss or know of someone who has, it can be hard to fully understand the effects that it can have, but your vision matters so we’ve put together some tips and ways in which you can look after your eyes:

Have regular eye tests

As we don’t really feel pain or notice issues in our eyes when they immediately occur, it's easy to neglect them. 

A sight test doesn’t just check whether we need new glasses or change of prescription, it also checks the health of the eyes and detects any eye conditions. Many eye conditions, when found early can be treated to avoid sight loss or further complications.

It’s recommended that you have an eye test at least every 2 years, with people over 40 or those who have a history of eye conditions in the family potentially needing them more often.

If between eye tests you notice any changes or are concerned about your vision, visit your optician or GP.

Have a healthy, balanced diet

Studies show that what we eat can affect our vision. A poor diet can put your vision at risk so eating foods high in vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and antioxidants can help keep your eyes healthy.

Here are some foods that are recommended for eye health:

  • Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach
  • Oily fish e.g salmon, tuna and mackerel
  • Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables such as carrots, corn, sweet peppers, oranges and berries
  • Eggs

Find out more about the role nutrition plays in eye health here.

Give up smoking

Smoking increases your chances of developing early age-related macular degeneration which is one of the most common causes of sight loss in the UK.  

Smoking also increases your risk of developing cataracts. Stopping smoking may be hard but making small changes to your lifestyle can help curb cravings. Check out these 10 self-help tips to stop smoking from the NHS here.

Drink responsibly

Excessive alcohol consumption can also increase the chances of developing early age-related macular degeneration. To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level it’s recommended that:

  • Men and women drink no more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.
  • You spread your drinking over 3 or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week.
  • Try several drink-free days a week if wanting to cut down.

Protect your eyes from the sun

Whilst going out in the sun is important for your health, you have to protect yourself especially your eyes.

Looking directly at the sun can cause irreversible damage to your eyesight potentially leading to blindness. Sun exposure is also said to be a risk factor for developing cataracts.

Wearing sunglasses or a hat when you go out in the sun protects your eyes from UV rays. Always look for the CE mark when buying sunglasses as they offer a safe level of UV protection.

We’re keen to support Eye Health Week and want to ensure that all of our patients have the knowledge they need to keep their eyes as healthy as possible.

And if you’re wanting to improve your vision with laser eye surgery, now is the perfect time! At Visualase, we pride ourselves on providing the highest levels of patient care from consultation, right through to aftercare.

Contact us today to book your consultation and assessment at our Bolton based clinic.

All eye surgical procedures carry a level of risk including not obtaining the desired outcome, through to varying levels of visual loss. Your eye surgeon will discuss the risks and benefits, including ones specific to your circumstances, at the time of your pre-operative consultation.